Česká národopisná společnost


According to the Statute of the Czech Ethnological Society, the Main Committee is entitled to establish commissions to coordinate and cooperate with other scientific societies or other scientific and research institutions. Solely regular members of the Czech Ethnological Society can become members of these commissions.  The bodies of the Czech Ethnological Society can establish work commissions to prepare and fulfil different tasks, especially the economic ones. Regular and extraordinary members can become members of these work commissions. Non-members can be invited to work commissions to act as expert consultants. Each work commission shall adhere to the instructions of the body that has established it.

The activity of the Czech Ethnological Society includes two commissions currently: the Commission for Vernacular Architecture, Settlements and Habitation, and the Commission for Folk Customs.

Přečteno 21912 krát

Česká národopisná společnost, z. s.
zapsaný spolek při Radě vědeckých společností České republiky Praha

Národní třída 3
117 20 PRAHA 1
Česká republika
IČO: 00444928

Bankovní spojení:
Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1
Číslo účtu: 2300812413/2010
IBAN: CZ6120100000002300812413, SWIFT/BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX
E-mail: info@narodopisnaspolecnost.cz