Česká národopisná společnost

History of the Journal

The first number of Národopisný věstník českoslovanský was issued in 1906 by The Society of Ethnographic Museum. Národopisný věstník českoslovanský substituted the previously published periodicals: Národopisný sborník českoslovanský (Czech-Slavonic Miscellany of Folklore Studies) and Věstník Národopisného muzea českoslovanského (Journal of Czech-Slavonic Ethnographical Museum). The editor-in-chief of the editorial office of the Národopisný věstník českoslovanský (Czech-Slavonic Ethnographical Journal) was Jiří Polívka. The main purpose of the new professional journal was not only to inform about the activities of the Folklore Museum and the Czech Ethnological Society but also to publish fundamental studies on folk culture. Attention was also paid to reviews and surveys of contemporary ethnographic literature.

Periodicity was reduced in the course of time from the original monthly to one number a year. In the period when the Český lid (Bohemian Folks) journal was not published the Journal of Folklore Studies played the role of the principal print of the Czech ethnology. Especially in the former half of 20th century the journal was the main point of contact of the Prague headquarters with the regional research staff. In mid 1930s the periodicity of the journal changed to irregular issues with lower and lower frequency until eventually discontinued completely. After 1945 the Journal was renewed and extended with new themes: in addition to studies of archaic themes and anachronisms in folk culture attention focused on the cultures of miners and town labour and changes in contemporary village life. The journal also dealt with issues of folk art museum work. In 1953 the journal was discontinued again. Another attempt at its revival in the years 1966–1974 was again short-lived. Only in 1984 the Journal was validly renewed. Since that year the Czech Ethnological Society has managed (despite some minor issues in mid 1990s) to keep continual publication of the journal (since 1993 under the title Národopisný věstník (Ethnographical Journal). In most recent years the journal has been profiled as an opportunity for meeting of results of work of different generations of Czech ethnologists and of different methodological approaches to ethnographic work.



Editors of  Národopisný věstník českoslovanský, Národopisný věstník československý and Národopisný věstník:

1906–1931: J. Polívka
1932–1947: J. Horák a K. Chotek
1947–1950: J. Horák a K. Chotek with Editorial Board
1951–1956: D. Stránská
1966–1972: V. Frolec
1974: J. Kramařík a K. Fojtík
1984–1989: A. Robek
1990: V. Hubinger
1991–1995: J. Kandert
1996–1999: J. Veselská
2000: M. Válka
2001–2002: J. Veselská a M. Válka
2003: M. Válka
20042017: D. Drápala
since 2018: M. Válka


An overview of texts published in the periodicals of the Czech Ethnological Society can be found in the book by J. VESELSKÁ: Bibliografie Národopisného věstníku a dalších periodik Národopisné společnosti [Bibliography of the Ethnographical Journal and Other Periodicals of the Ethnological Society]. Praha 2008 (published by the Czech Ethnographical Society).



More about the history of the Ethnographical Journal see in:

JOHNOVÁ, H.: Sedmdesát let Národopisného věstníku českoslovanského. Český lid 63, 1976, s. 193–196.

SMRČKA, V.: Vznik a vývoj Národopisného věstníku českoslovanského do roku 1945Národopisný věstník XXIII (65), 2006, 5–13.

VÁLKA, M.: Národopisný věstník československý a jeho vývojové peripetie po roce 1945Národopisný věstník XXIII (65), 2006, 14–21.

[vs]: Národopisný věstník českoslovanskýIn: BROUČEK, S. – JEŘÁBEK, R. (eds.): Lidová kultura. Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska. 2. svazek. Praha 2007, s. 615.

VÁLKA, M.: Národopisný věstník českoslovanský jako tisková platforma Národopisné společnosti českoslovanské a nástupnických organizacíČeský lid 100, 2013, s. 107–120.



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